Meet Brit

About Me: Since 2012, I've been dedicated to the health and fitness industry, helping countless clients on their journey to physical well-being. However, life took an unexpected turn, and for the past four years, I found myself battling with anxiety and stress, which took a toll on me mentally, emotionally, and physically. It was a difficult period, and I hit rock bottom.

Turning Point: My journey to recovery led me to explore the root causes of stress and anxiety, delving deep into understanding and managing these issues. Through self-discovery and a commitment to personal growth, I managed to overcome these challenges and emerged stronger, both mentally and emotionally.

My Mission: At Life with B, my mission is to ignite inspiration, offer unwavering support, and provide expert guidance on your journey towards a life filled with purpose, joy, and lasting fulfillment. I am committed to facilitating optimal health and profound inner healing by empowering individuals with the essential tools to skillfully navigate anxiety and stress, prioritize self-care, nurture meaningful relationships, and establish sustainable, healthy habits. My core values are centered on promoting holistic well-being, cultivating deep and meaningful relationships, and championing your empowerment to conquer any obstacles that may hinder your path to becoming the most authentic version of yourself.

My Promise: My journey has taught me that true health goes beyond physical fitness; it encompasses mental and emotional wellness. I am here to guide you on your path to holistic well-being, helping you become the best version of yourself.

A Road Map to Where you Want to Be

Brit sees this struggle of anxiety and stress in clients all the time: they don't know how to cope with all the stresses of daily life. The life and family balance is off and they have forgotten how to take time for self-care which leads to family conflict, guilt, and emotional turmoil.
She wants to give you a road map of where you are to where you want to be so that you can move forward to better overall health.

Whole Life Wellness

Brit specializes in holistic wellness, employing a comprehensive approach that addresses all dimensions of an individual's well-being. This encompasses not only the nutritional and fitness components of health but also the emotional and mental aspects, recognizing that whole health encompasses all these facets of life.

One prominent area of Brit's expertise lies in anxiety and stress management. Brit acknowledges that in today's fast-paced and often demanding world, anxiety and stress are prevalent challenges that can significantly impact a person's overall well-being. Brit collaborates closely with clients to help them understand the effects of anxiety and stress on their lives and offers expert techniques to empower them to navigate life's challenges more effectively.




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