Hey there, friend,
Let's have a heart-to-heart about something we all know but often try to bury deep down inside – the things we can't talk about. I want to be crystal clear: I'm not suggesting you spill your deepest secrets on social media; that's the last place personal matters should be addressed. However, I'm here to share some positive avenues to open up and heal wounds that might be holding you back.
Picture this: the healing of your soul requires addressing those deep wounds we often try to avoid. Sometimes, we carry burdens that we're too ashamed to face, and shame and secrets become intertwined like inseparable soul siblings. We're pros at pushing our feelings so far down, hoping they'll disappear. But, spoiler alert, they tend to resurface, sending us spiraling into pits of shame and regret, and more heartache and confusion. And oftentimes, this pain comes out through extreme anxiety. Our entire worlds can be thrown off kilter because of things that we refuse to talk about, acknowledge, process and work through. I'm not saying it will be an easy task. Some people hold onto secrets their entire lives. Too ashamed to talk about it or too heartbroken to accept that things will never be like they were.
We all have secrets – things we'd rather the world not know. Yet, if we genuinely want to heal, we must get brutally honest with ourselves and confront the things we'd rather keep hidden. Whether it's the pain inflicted upon us or the pain we've caused others, addressing these uncomfortable truths is essential for our well-being.
Ever heard of ambiguous loss? It's that kind of loss where there's no closure – a gradual, ongoing grief. Think divorce, addiction, or the loss of a close friendship. When dealing with ambiguous loss, especially in private or secrecy, closure seems elusive. Grieving an open-ended loss is hard and confusing, but it's crucial to recognize that holding onto these secrets will wreck complete havoc on our souls and our healing journey.
Now, I don't know what burdens you're carrying – addiction, abuse, disorders, marital struggles, or perhaps grieving someone still alive but no longer part of your life (I think these are the hardest burdens to carry for most people). Some losses linger without the promise of closure. But here's the good news – there are people you can trust with your story, the real, unfiltered version of your life. And no, it's not your social media followers.
It might be a close family member, a trusted friend, life coach, or even a licensed professional. Whoever it is, find someone you trust with your whole heart. These individuals can become your confidantes, helping you untangle the mess within. Sometimes, just sharing your story is the first step towards healing and the first time that you can feel your soul take a deep breath.
Remember, the weight of the unspoken words are soul-crushing. Lay them at the feet of understanding, whether that's with your faith or a trusted friend, and watch the healing begin. Your soul deserves to breathe freely.
Now, let me ask you this: What is your heart holding so tightly to? What pain, shame, or secret is causing you to continue this never-ending cycle of emotional pain and anxiety? Have you ever experienced ambiguous loss? Grief without closure? What does that look like for you, and who in your life can you talk to so that your soul may begin to heal?
Take care, my friends,
Life with B